Ways to work with gail dixon

Deep Dive with Gail Dixon

"The Heart's Voice"

Are you wondering why your messaging isn't having the impact you want it to?

Are you tired of spinning your wheels trying to get it "just right" so that you are attracting more ideal clients to your business, your movement and your cause?

If that's you, you're in the right place!
It's time to Name It, Frame It, and Claim It™

Exclusive One-on-One with
Gail Dixon

Get Started To Express Your Heart's Voice Today!

Bonus Interview Broadcast Across Several Platforms to Expand Your Heart's Voice

Here's what working one-on-one with Gail gives you:

Name It - Develop your brand moniker and unique messaging for your brand statement, scope of work and/or your mission
Frame It - Identification of who is mean to hear your message. We'll cover the context, tone and texture of your communications to ensure it's landing with the right audiences and collaborators.
Claim It - Incorporating your core message throughout your services, offers and signature formula for creating transformation and results as you move your vision and mission forward.

Single Session

This session is for you if you've already got a pretty good handle on your message and are looking to refine it to expand your reach and magnetize it to create greater engagement.


Deep Dive & Beyond

Here you'll have 3 in-depth sessions with Gail to work through the Name It, Frame It, Claim It™ method and ensure your messaging is creating the ripple event it's meant to deliver. Between sessions, Gail will review your work in progress to ensure you're hitting the mark.


Here you'll have 6 in-depth sessions with Gail to work through the Name It, Frame It, Claim It™ method to develop your core message AND create additional messaging to share in presentations, marketing and content that has your message radiate with just the right people! 

"Gail is a genius at hearing her clients' true thoughts and helping them find words that express them. She is a blessing to know and to work with."

Kathryn Hathaway

Hathaway Sprague Law & Be The Phoenix

"If you're ready to express yourself in a way that connects your heart to the hearts of those you're here to serve, there's no one better than Gail Dixon to guide you. Her Name It, Frame It, Claim It™ System gives you a proven formula to consistently advance your mission and grow your business."

Nancy Matthews

Author, The One Philosophy | ThePeopleSkillsAcademy.com | WomensProsperityNetwork.com

About Gail Dixon

Gail Dixon is a Speaker, Author and Coach who guides people to hear and express the Heart's Voice that gives their life meaning and purpose. 

Gail is recognized as a top expert for speakers, thought leaders, and mission-focused entrepreneurs in creating messages that make an impact. As leader of The Heart's Voice Movement, Gail is committed to creating a future where the Heart's Voice is the universal language that heals the world.

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